Salt Water Hot Tubbing is an Absolute Game-Changer
Offered exclusively on Highlife® Collection and Limelight® Collection spas, this unique system helps you spend less time maintaining your spa and more time enjoying it.
Why People Prefer Salt Water Hot Tubs?
Simple Water Care
More time enjoying your spa.
Fewer Chemicals
No harsh odors and clean water!
Reduce Dry Skin
More natural-feeling water.
Conserve Water
Fewer spa drain and refills.
Common Misconceptions
FALSE: Salt water is corrosive and internal spa parts don’t last as long.
TRUE: The parts in Hot Spring Spas are built with titanium and are more resistant than the parts of other hot tubs that use chlorine.
FALSE: This is a newer and untested technology
TRUE: In reality, Hot Spring has been offering salt water hot tubs for over 15 years.
FALSE: Salt water hot tubs cost more
TRUE: Costs about the same, if not less.
FALSE: Salt water hot tubs require more maintenance chlorine spas.
TRUE: Actually, less.
FALSE: Salt water hot tubs are more difficult to maintain
TRUE: Same as a regular tub.
FALSE: The water tastes salty
TRUE: You don’t taste the salt at all - just like a water softener.
FALSE: Salt water smells funny
TRUE: The smell of a salt water hot tub is less noticeable than the smell of a chlorine tub.